Professional Development

                                                                                           Academic Contributions

             Extra Curricular/Academic activities:

  • Core Member in the Accreditation Committee-CEA

  • Member in the e-testing committee which is responsible for formulating  a question bank for the ELI- 2011
  • Member in the professional development committee
  • Member in the ELI Newsletter –SPOT LIGHT-Professional Development Committee.
  • Attended a work shop entitled " Accreditation Awareness" presented by Dr. Mary Reeves- CEA Consultant – May -2011
  • Attended an Accreditation awareness presentatio
  • Attended a training session organized by OTA(Oxford Training Academy entitled " In Search of The Successful Learning Environment"  January ,7, 2012
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Managing Stress and Promoting Teacher  Well-being" presented at King Fahd Research Center –Dec.4,2011
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Teaching Collaborative Writing through the Internet" presented at King Fahd Research Center –December ,4,2011
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Oh Please, Teach Me How to think not what to Think…" An Introduction to Developing Students Critical Thinking Skills- December ,2011
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Thinking Based Learning: Incorporating the Theories of Multiple Intelligence and Study Skills"- December 2011.
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA): What is this? presented at Dar Al Hekma College- December ,26,2011
  • Attended a workshop entitled " Time Management " presented at K.A.U.- October 2011
  • Attended a workshop entitled "The Importance of Teacher Observation" presented by Oxford University Press. October 2011
  • Attended  a workshop in Headway I Tools& LMS(Learning Management System) a training session organized at King Fahd Center-2011
  • Attended a work shop presented by Julitteta Shoenmann OUP Educational Consultant the work shop was entitled : " Beyond the Course book"
  • Participated in the Third Career Forum at King Abdul Aziz University- May 3 – 2011
  • Attended a seminar entitled "Hey …. Look What I did!!!From the Traditional to the Innovative Using students' Portfolios" October 2011
  • Attended an online session entitled " Critical expression: Strategies for critical thinking" Pearson Tertiary Week of English presented by David Hill-2011
  • Attended an online professional development session
  • entitled "Using     Brainpower to Master Reading Skills" Pearson Tertiary Week of English presented by Bea Mikulecky-2011
  • Prepared & presented a seminar at the Third Career Forum at King Abdul Aziz University-entitled" Long & Short Term Career Goals"- May 3 – 2011
  • Prepared & presented a seminar at King Abdul-Aziz University entitled "A Window towards a New Tomorrow"- Department of Alumni & Post Graduates – January 2011
  • Prepared & presented a seminar at King Abdul-Aziz University entitled "Long & Short Term Career Goals"- Department of Alumni & Post Graduates – March 2011
  • Attended a workshop entitled- "Emotional Intelligence in the Work place". The Workshop was organized by "Professional Development Committee"
  • Attended a workshop entitled -“Zero-Proficiency: An Immersion Experience "The Workshop was organized by "Professional Development Committee
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Accuracy VS. Fluency  "The Workshop was organized by "Professional Development Committee" January 18/2011
  • Attended a workshop entitled –"Integrating Islamic Values & Knowledge in the ELI classroom"  The Workshop was organized by "Professional Development Committee" - January 2011
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Reflective Practice. A Tool for professional Development". The Workshop was organized by "Professional Development Committee" January 2011
  • Participated in all the workshops organized by the Professional Development Committee –December 2010
  • Attended a workshop entitled Student "Teacher Rapport in EFL classes" The Workshop was organized by "Professional Development Committee" December 8/2010.
  • Attended a workshop entitled Student "Reading Strategies in EFL classes "The Workshop was organized by "Professional Development Committee" ELI-Instructor -December 8/2010
  • Attended a workshop entitled "The Integrated Skill Approach in Teaching English "A Classroom Application" The Workshop was organized by "Professional Development Committee"–December 21/2010
  • Prepared &Presented a workshop on: "The Art of Storytelling in the EFL Classroom"- The workshop was entitled "Break the Silence –Tell a Story" December-21/2010.
  • Attended a workshop entitled " Communication Skills in the EFL Classroom" The workshop was organized by the" Professional Development Committee
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Reading Strategies that work" organized by Professional Development Committee –December 2010
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Teaching Vocabulary" organized by Professional Development Committee –December 2010.
  • Participated in "EFL Teacher Training Seminar 2010" on June 20/21-2010 by preparing and giving a presentation about "Motivating Students in EFL classroom "the presentation was entitled "Engaging minds".
  • Attended a Training course for two days –a Workshop organized by the OUP on "New Headway Plus" September 2010.
  • Attended a workshop given by the Ex. Vice Dean Dr. Fatimah Al Qudsy which dealt with some EFL issues and trends First Term January 2010.
  • Attended a workshop about" Adopting new methods in the EFL classes & Reflective Teaching" January 2010.
  • Attended a workshop entitled "Manage your skills" organized by the professional development committee
  • Attended a work shop entitled "Shaping the Way we teach" about Using modern technology to enhance the teaching experience. September 2009
  • Attended a workshop for teaching English through Distant Learning using (EMES) & (CENTRA) programs. It aimed at empowering the effect & the importance of the distant learning experience it  also, reflects King Abdul Aziz University goals – Towards an electronic University
  • Trained three students from Faculty of Arts English Department. ( trainees attended 90  Hours in class – shared in correcting students' writing drafts- shared in preparing some Exercises and doing them with the students- helped in speaking assessments)
  • Member in the TOFEL committee- preparing material for TOFEL-IBT.
  • Participated in a voluntary invigilation for exams.
  • Attended a workshop which tackled writing & listening issues
  • Attended a workshop for submitting grades on the ODUS.
  • Prepared review sheets for the students after each unit to help students focus on the target language.
  • Teaching Distant Learning for ELCA 101/102 Students.
  • Offering guidance to students on their presentations & providing them with a list of topics to help them choose on wider scale.
  • Joined a group of dedicated ELI teachers who prepared power point presentations for the whole course book (ELCA-101 /ELCA-102) for the Developed external Program (CENTRA).
  • Prepared & gave a presentation  in the ELI Annual Conference  April 2009 entitled " Increasing Students Motivation in the EFL Classroom"
  • Attended the ELI Annual Conference April 2009 -a presentation entitled "Testing and Assessment"
  • Attended the ELI Annual Conference April 2009 -a presentation entitled      " Developing Listening Skills "
  • Trained students "undergraduates of Faculty of Arts and Humanities English Department" Students attended my classes. They:
  •  Share in correcting drafts of students' writing paragraphs.
  • They prepare some activities and do them with the students.
  • They prepare some worksheets for revision
  • Students are evaluated by their supervisor and by me and the reports are written and sent to the Faculty of Arts English Department.
  • Attended all the professional development workshops and training courses conducted by King Abdul Aziz University and the ELI such as:
  • "Reflective Teaching" Workshop January 2010
  • CENTRA and EMES Training Courses-Distant Learning Program
  • "ELI Seminar in Teacher Training" June 2010
  • OUP Training Course September 2010
  • ALL Professional Development Workshops December 2010
  • " The Fourth Gathering For Academic Outcomes" January 2009
  • The ELI Annual Conference" January 2009
  • Pearson Longman Seminar February 2009
  • Dr. Portal "Creating My Own Web Page" April 2009    
  • "Shaping the Way We Teach" Workshop September 2009


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3/3/2012 8:36:09 PM